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Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new breast cancer susceptibility loci

Published on 2 October 2023
Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new breast cancer susceptibility loci
Date de publication 
Ghoussaini M, Fletcher O, Michailidou K, Turnbull C, Schmidt MK, Dicks E, Dennis J, Wang Q, Humphreys MK, Luccarini C, Baynes C, Conroy D, Maranian M, Ahmed S, Driver K, Johnson N, Orr N, Silva ID, Waisfisz Q, Meijers-Heijboer H, Uitterlinden AG, Rivadeneira F, Hall P, Czene K, Irwanto A, Liu JJ, Nevanlinna H, Aittomaki K, Blomqvist C, Meindl A, Schmutzler RK, Muller-Myhsok B, Lichtner P, Chang-Claude J, Hein R, Nickels S, Flesch-Janys D, Tsimiklis H, Makalic E, Schmidt D, Bui M, Hopper JL, Apicella C, Park DJ, Southey M, Hunter DJ, Chanock SJ, Broeks A, Verhoef S, Hogervorst FBL, Fasching PA, Lux MP, Beckmann MW, Ekici AB, Sawyer E, Tomlinson I, Kerin M, Marme F, Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Burwinkel B, Guenel P, Truong T, Cordina-Duverger E, Menegaux F, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Nielsen SF, Flyger H, Milne RL, Alonso MR, Gonzalez-Neira A, Benitez J, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Bernstein L, Dur CC, Brenner H, Muller H, Arndt V, Stegmaier C, Justenhoven C, Brauch H, Bruning T, Wang-Gohrke S, Eilber U, Dork T, Schurmann P, Bremer M, Hillemanns P, Bogdanova NV, Antonenkova NN, Rogov YI, Karstens JH, Bermisheva M, Prokofieva D, Khusnutdinova E, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Kataja V, Kosma VM, Hartikainen JM, Lambrechts D, Yesilyurt BT, Floris G, Leunen K, Manoukian S, Bonanni B, Fortuzzi S, Peterlongo P, Couch FJ, Wang XS, Stevens K, Lee A, Giles GG, Baglietto L, Severi G, McLean C, Alnaes GG, Kristensen V, Borrensen-Dale AL, John EM, Miron A, Winqvist R, Pylkas K, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Kauppila S, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Mulligan AM, Devilee P, van Asperen CJ, Tollenaar R, Seynaeve C, Figueroa JD, Garcia-Closas M, Brinton L, Lissowska J, Hooning MJ, Hollestelle A, Oldenburg RA, van den Ouweland AMW, Cox A, Reed MWR, Shah M, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska K, Durda K, Jones M, Schoemaker M, Ashworth A, Swerdlow A, Beesley J, Chen XQ, Muir KR, Lophatananon A, Rattanamongkongul S, Chaiwerawattana A, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Shen CY, Yu JC, Wu PE, Hsiung CN, Perkins A, Swann R, Velentzis L, Eccles DM, Tapper WJ, Gerty SM, Graham NJ, Ponder BAJ, Chenevix-Trench G, Pharoah PDP, Lathrop M, Dunning AM, Rahman N, Peto J, Easton DF, Netherlands Collaborative Grp H, Fbcs, Gene Environm Interaction Breast C, kConFab I and Australian Ovarian Canc Study G
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Impact Factor 
Institut IG
url DOI10.1038/ng.1049

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